
“Jae B. Wells introduces a big whopping slice of her own private Americana… a fun read and a ringside seat into her Kansas plains version of Garrison Keillor’s Lake Wobegon.”-Christian Stokes, known for appearing as a stuntman in “Revolution” and Escape Plan, is also Actor/Producer/Director of the Zomb Squad. “The calendar year just wouldn’t be complete without checking off Jae’s FUNNY BUT TRUE chronology of hilarity’.”

“If the resurrected corpse of Lenny Bruce was to conceive a love child with Phillis Diller, then Jae would be the result.” – Huston Huddleston, Founder at The Hollywood Science Fiction Museum and the Hollywood Horror Museum

Todd Braley, Producer/Director/Writer of the TV series “Surviving the Undead” which broadcasted live on Cable, Antenna and Dish network, said Wells’ detailed reviews on the first four episodes of the first season increased the ‘viewership’.

“Through vivid imagery, colorful phrasing, fully-fleshed characters, and attention to detail, Wells passionately delivers a story that doesn’t just say something, but has something to say.  Using pathos, satire, romance, mystery, and action, she explores topics ranging from prejudice to scientific ethics with a style all her own.  There may be plenty of books in the sea, but if you’re looking for something original, then catch this one by the Tail.  It’s a Hecc of a book.”- Jared Vaughn, reader, cosplayer, writer

The ‘Tail’ Begins is a SCI-FI romp for young adults, a classic fish out of water tail. It’s not your usual guns and explosion thriller, but gun ownership is treated with respect.”-Rob Morse publishes at clashdaily.com ammoland.com, & his Slow Facts blog.

“Wells reaches deep into her imagination and comes out with a story you never could have imagined, but with her research and scientific facts you now have to consider as a possibility. She mixes both to produce a novel that takes the unbelievable and turns it into the quite possible. ‘The “Tail” Begins’ then ends with you wanting more, more, more.” – Nathan R. Shaw, Radio Personality

“Absolutely loved this book. Being illiterate I struggled at first but by the end, I couldn’t put it down. Jae is an amazing up and coming yarn spinner. I was beyond thrilled with this book and have suggested it to several friends already. Jae cracks me up and inspires me all at the same time.”- C. Willis, Adult Fan

“Jae has crafted a merry romp into the creepy and slightly macabre. The relationships among people, research, and ideologies ring true. The ending leaves me wondering what will come. Happy reading.”-Laurel Zhang, Education Manager

Jae‘s story kept touching on traumas in our past and brought us closer as a family.”-R. George, professional dance instructor

“Divorce & shared custody had built brick walls, but Wells’ fantastic story broke down those barriers. Our bedtime story is likened to a Hallmark movie, letting us hug, laugh and cry together as a family. Thank you very much, Jae.”-Sarah B. cosplayer

“The tail begins does not look like any other Sci-Fi book on the market. Because it is not, and neither are the Human Electric Cave Catfish they become. If you’re looking for something new to read, I highly recommend The Tail Begins. But be warned, if you are prone to developing feelings for book characters… You should keep a tissue box nearby for some of the more emotional moments. I’ll admit, I cried during (Spoiler) and (Spoiler). I really did, I’m not kidding. Five Stars for The Tail Begins!”-Alex Groggett, reader, cosplayer, writer

“Jae Wells’ very vivid imagination is put to good service for her sharp emotional insight into her characters. A lot of thought and effort went into creating the world these characters inhabit, but it’s all service of a strong emotional core. As part of a longer story, I offer her my best wishes for her next volume.”-Buzz Dixon, writer/editor G.I Joe, Transformers, Jem, and the Serenity Christian manga series.

“The ‘Tail’ Begins” is very imaginable. It has awesome characters that I want to know personally.”-Brianna B. (11yr)

“Check it out!! Should Monty Python, Clive Cussler and David Baldaci meet in a bar and decide to write a book; I think they would come up with this, The Tail Begins.”-Ned Marks, Geologist

“Jae Byrd Wells has written a fascinating novel dealing with a new race of part human/ part fish beings. An evil doctor uses a rare catfish DNA to change his subjects which he has collected in many ways including kidnapping, into Human Electric Cave Catfish. Jayne Flynn and the kidnapped Marian Harrison, along with about 60 others, must learn how to survive with their new bodies. The families that were left behind must also deal with the changes to their loved one. A great read with many twists and turns.” – Margene Burnham NBCT, Public School Librarian

“A great read we are glad to recommend to anyone, can’t wait to see what happens in the sequel.” – Anita Siemer and Company, Bookstore Owner

“Jae has crafted a merry romp into the creepy and slightly macabre. The relationships among people, research, and ideologies ring true. The ending leaves me wondering what will come. Happy reading!” – Laurel Zhang, Education Manager

“Ms. Wells has a unique style of character development to her story that in part mixes a sense of melancholy and reverie. She does a great job with development of her story’s characters.” – John Yates, broadcaster and writer.