Hello fellow travelers on the digital seas!

This is your basic install of a WPRPN.COM “sub-site”.

Welcome to your digital quarters here on the good ship WPRPN.COM.

  • You’re going to want to delete this and add your own content, but copy this text somewhere and save it for future reference.
  • Please keep the menu link to point back to the main site at http://wprpn.com – huge thanks!
  • What you have at this point is known as a “sub site” on a WordPress Multisite platform, It gives you your own quarters on the ship and you can decorate it as you like,  
  • However, if you’re a bit squeamish about building out your own site here and need some help, contact our Web Alchemist, Tom Schaefer by clicking on the image below and he can set you up and customize it for a small amount of tribute ($) as shown in the WPRPN.COM FAQ Page.

< Click for more information >